$2,050,244 MXN
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
$100,000 USD
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
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General Description
List Price MXN$2,000,000
Lot M238
Total M2 const38
Lot SqFt405
Primary ViewInterior
Secondary ViewGarden
Construction Manifest
Building Area Total405
Lot Sq Ft405
Location, Taxes & Legal
Adjacent to Federal ZoneNo
Oficina en venta nuevo vta
Descubre la ubicación perfecta para tu negocio en Nuevo Vallarta. Esta oficina moderna y funcional ofrece todo lo que necesitas para impulsar tu empresa hacia el éxito. Situada en el corazón de Nuevo Vallarta, cerca de importantes centros comerciales y con fácil acceso a las principales vías de la ciudad. Con una oficina privada y sala de juntas podrás trabajar al maximo con tu equipo.
Discover the perfect location for your business in Nuevo Vallarta. This modern and functional office offers everything you need to drive your company to success. Located in the heart of Nuevo Vallarta, close to important shopping centers and with easy access to the main roads of the city. With a private office and meeting room you will be able to work to the maximum with your
Located at
3 avenida paseo de las palmas a6, LOCAL A-6
About the community
166 other properties for sale in this community
Last updated on July 29, 2024