Lote Cangrejos N/A
$5,100,382 MXN
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
$249,000 USD
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
Available Downloads
General Description
List Price MXN$4,482,000
Lot M21,205
Lot SqFt12,963
Lot Dimensions24M x 49M
Primary ViewOcean
Secondary ViewMountain
Lot Sq Ft12,963
Location, Taxes & Legal
Adjacent to Federal ZoneNo
Not Used
Price/Sq Meter207
Road Type
Dirt Maintained
Potential Use
Residential Lot
Surround yourself in nature here in this hidden part of Litibu. Enjoy beautiful views of the ocean and the mountains. This large flat lot is just 3 blocks from the beach and a short distance from the Monkey Mountain trail. Elevated for some unobstructed oceanviews over the arroyo. Near power and telephone lines, ready for your new build. The corner lot located between this lot and the arroyo serves as a buffer when the arroyo is flowing, helping to protect this lot during the rainy season.
Located at
N/A CALLE PIEDRAS, Lote Cangrejos
About the community
164 other properties for sale in this community
Last updated on May 22, 2024