$2,015,880 MXN
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
$98,000 USD
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
Higuera Blanca
Available Downloads
General Description
List Price MXN$1,600,000
Lot M2961
Lot SqFt10,339
Primary ViewMountain
Secondary ViewCity
Lot Sq Ft10,339
Property Tax Amount Pesos922
Location, Taxes & Legal
Property Tax Year2,024
Property Tax Amount (Pesos)922
Adjacent to Federal ZoneNo
Not Used
Price/Sq Meter102
Road Type
Dirt Not Maintained
Accessibility Features
Accessible Entrance
Titulo de Propiedad
How To Show
By Appointment Only
Gentle Slope
Potential Use
Residential Lot
Terreno de 960.86 metros en un pequeño pueblo llamado EL GUAMUCHIL en Bahía de Banderas Nayarit. Este terreno se encuentra en lo alto con vista hacia las montañas y al pueblo con un ambiente tranquilo y placentero. Cuenta con excelentes medidas para construir una casa grande con amplios jardines y más. Se encuentra a solo 20 minutos aproximados de Sayulita, Punta de Mita, la cruz de Huanacaxtle
Lot of 960.86 meters in a small town called EL GUAMUCHIL in Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit.
This lot is located high up overlooking the mountains and town with a quiet and pleasant atmosphere. It has excelents measurements to build a large house with extensive gardens and more. It is located only approximately 20 minutes from Sayulita, Punta de Mita, La Cruz de of Huanacaxtle.Lot of 960.86 meters in a small town called EL GUAMUCHIL in Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit.
This lot is located high up overlooking the mountains and town with a quiet and pleasant atmosphere. It has excelents measurements to build a large house with extensive gardens and more. It is located only approximately 20 minutes from Sayulita, Punta de Mita, La Cruz de of Huanacaxtle.
Located at
About the community
Higuera Blanca
80 other properties for sale in this community
Last updated on May 28, 2024