Lote Juanita 4
$3,823,358 MXN
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
$185,000 USD
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
Boca de Tomatlan
Available Downloads
General Description
Lot Sq Ft15,213
Primary ViewOcean
Secondary ViewOcean
Property Tax Amount Pesos8,618
Outstanding plot of land located in the curb before arriving to Boca de Tomatlan. It counts with direct acces from the 200 Highway and with feasibility for an exceptional condominium project.
Increíble pedazo de tierra ubicado antes de llegar a la curva de la playa de Boca de Tomatlan. Cuenta con acceso directo desde la carretera 200 (aún no planeado) y con viabilidad para hacer un proyecto de condominios excepcional.
Located at
4 Carretera 200, Lote Juanita
About the community
Boca de Tomatlan
20 other properties for sale in this community
Last updated on July 9, 2024