Lote Leticia 2
$1,944,284 MXN
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
$95,000 USD
The prices stated here in USD currency can be paid in MXN pesos (Mexican currency) at the official FIX exchange rate applicable on the payment date, or at any other exchange rate agreed upon by the parties involved in the transaction. You can check the official FIX exchange rate at Banxico.
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General Description
List Price MXN$1,850,000
Lot M2270
Lot SqFt2,909
Lot Dimensions20.03 X16.02X15.53X15.00
Primary ViewStreet
Secondary ViewMountain
Mstr Plan Community
Lot Sq Ft2,909
Location, Taxes & Legal
Property Tax Year2,024
Adjacent to Federal ZoneNo
Not Used
Price/Sq Meter351
Centrally located plot of land with condominium projects around and only 2 minutes from Av. Mexico., University of Guadalajara, airport and convenience stores.
Perfect for mixed or residential purposes.
Now with viability to build apartments, commercial spaces or mixed purposes.
C.O.S: 0.80
C.U.S: 2.40
Terreno con ubicaci�n c�ntrica, rodeado de proyectos de condominios y a solo 2 minutos de Av. M�xico, la Universidad de Guadalajara, el aeropuerto y tiendas de conveniencia.
Perfecto para fines mixtos o residenciales. (Trabajando en dictamen de trazos y destinos)
Located at
2 Durango 2, Lote Leticia
About the community
118 other properties for sale in this community
Last updated on July 15, 2024