Lowering Your Electricity Bill
By DevSupport on July 30, 2015

August and September are generally the two months of the year when homeowners will find that their electricity bills are the largest. Usually the two warmest months of the year, many people find themselves using their air conditioners more often but there are ways to conserve energy that will help to keep your light bills as low as possible:
Unplug electronics and underutilized appliances.
Take advantage of your computer's energy-saving features.
Use the programmed settings on your air conditioner to regulate temperature.
Use your appliances wisely, for example, wait for a full load before running the dishwasher.
Make it a habit to turn off lights and fans as you exit a room.
Make sure to keep all windows and doors closed when using the air conditioner.
Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Be sure to change air conditioning filters and schedule regular annual maintenance.
With a little extra attention, you can keep your Puerto Vallarta home at a comfortable temperature and not send you electricity bill sky-rocketing. And remember, the beautiful fall weather is just around the corner!
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